Huntress-zangeres Jill Janus is overleden

Jill Janus, frontvrouw van de Amerikaanse heavymetalband Huntress, is op dinsdag 14 augustus uit het leven gestapt. De zangeres was 43 jaar oud, open over haar gevecht met psychische aandoeningen en probeerde andere mensen in vergelijkbare situaties met haar eigen verhaal te helpen om die te overwinnen. Het zat Jill niet mee, aangezien ze naar eigen zeggen ook leed aan kanker en alcoholisme. De band deelde de volgende boodschap:

“It is with crushed hearts that we announce that Jill Janus—frontwoman for the California heavy metal band Huntress—passed away on Tuesday, August 14. A long-time sufferer of mental illness, she took her own life outside of Portland, Oregon. Janus spoke publicly about these challenges in hopes of guiding others to address and overcome their mental illness.

Janus was a truly special creative involved with numerous musical projects including her role as vocalist for female metal/hard rock cover bands TheStarbreakers and Chelsea Girls. In addition, Janus was co-composer and creator of an upcoming rock opera with Trans-Siberian Orchestra’s Angus Clark and had a decade-long career as NYC DJ Penelope Tuesdae. Her musical career began in childhood.

Beyond her accomplishments in the music world and her advocacy for mental health issues, she was a beautiful person passionate about her family, animal rescue and the world of natural medicine. She will be missed more than she could have ever known.”

Bij Zware Metalen heeft de redactie met plezier naar de albums Static en Spell Eater geluisterd en vandaag zullen we Jill Janus eren door ze nogmaals aan te zwieren.

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