Borknagar gaat akoestisch album opnemen [update]

Borknagar gaat akoestisch album opnemen

[update] 30-08-2006
Het duurde even, maar er is nieuws over het akoestische album wat Borknagar uit gaat brengen. Het album gaat de titel Origin meekrijgen en komt naar verwachting op 30 oktober (van dit jaar) uit.
Op de website van de band staat het volgende hierover vermeld:

Dear fans and associates,
The new Borknagar-album will be called ORIGIN, and is set to be released in Europe through Century Media/EMI on the 30th of October. A US release date has not yet been set.

Most of our fans will know by now that Origin is a purely acoustic album. A sheer and honest result of a vision that we have had for many years: To let the acoustic basis of our music out to thrive and grow throughout an entire album. Those who are familiar with our music know that it has always had a very organic feel to it, and therefore we have chosen to focus entirely on the atmospheric and acoustic aspects of the band this time around. We love the result and truly believe that it shows a character and a side of the Borknagar that you have never heard before – only sensed.

To accomplish the organic sound of the album, we have worked with several eminent musicians. Erik Tiwaz aka Tyr (bass) has spiced our album with his rumbling, low frequent wizardry, Sareeta (violin) and Thomas Nilsson (cello) have helped us to obtain the genuine wooden string sound that the album craved, and Norwegian flute-icon Steinar Ofsdal (flutes and recorders) has added mystic and enchanting atmospheres into the organic framework.

In good tradition, the cover and lay-out is once more courtesy of Asgeir Mickelson.

More information will follow shortly!
Best regards,

Øystein G. Brun


Hexegot meldde ons via de newssubmit het volgende:
Het Noorse Borknagar heeft besloten het eerstvolgende album volledig te wijden aan akoestische nummers. Op de website van Century Media heeft bandbrein Øystein G. Brun het volgende aangekondigd:

Dear fans and associates,
Having created epic metal for several years now, an idea and a vision has arisen within the Borknagar camp, and we hereby want to inform you about how it will affect our forthcoming release: The next BORKNAGAR album will be an acoustic effort based entirely on the epic and progressive aspect of the band. The recording will commence this very spring, most likely in late May, at Toproom Studio in Norway as we are planning an autumn release.

This is something we have wanted to do for many years now, and the idea has lingered within the band ever since the recording of Quintessence and a few private sessions with a grand piano and an acoustic guitar. The album will be acoustic based but largely arranged with a wide range of instruments and vocal styles. It will be recorded by the same line-up that did EPIC, and we will be working with different locations during the recording process in order to catch the sounds of different acoustic environments. Musically the album will be rather dissimilar from what we have done before, though the unique BORKNAGAR-sound will surly shine through.
This is not a permanent change of the bands musical style, but rather a musical quest and a challenge for us as well as for our audience!

The title of the album will be released soon.

Best regard,
Øystein G. Brun
