Peter Hobbs (Hobbs Angel of Death) overleden

Peter Hobbs, oprichter en drijvende kracht achter Hobbs Angel of Death, kwam eerder op de dag te overlijden. De Australische muzikant was amper achtenvijftig jaar oud. Over een doodsoorzaak is voorlopig niets bekend.

Onderstaand bericht verscheen op de Facebookpagina van het eveneens Australische Lord:

“We’ve just heard some horrid news that one of our legends has fallen. Peter Hobbs was a great friend of ours, where we not only shared the stage with Hobbs on a few occasions but worked together in a number of different capacities over the years. His legacy as well as Hobbs Angel Of Death will no doubt live on. It was an absolute pleasure knowing Pete and despite the public persona, he was the ultimate gentleman and super kind to us. Respect and rest easy mate.”


Hobbs Angel of Death Facebook