Abigor gaat terug naar de basics (update)

Nog een streep muziek van het komende album van Abigor. Hier hoor je Höllenzwang.

Abigor laat bij deze een eerste strook herrie horen van zijn komende – voorlopig titelloze – album. Geen poespas of multigelaagde regenboog aan impulsen meer, neen, Abigor gaar terug naar de basics van black metal. Lees hier de mededeling van de band.

Black Metal may still be excellent, and the pool of „occult“ or post-DSO bands is huge. But where´s the pounding greatness of Natten´s Madrigal, Apokalypsens Ängel, Det Som Engang Var or the Strid 7“ today?
Not that we would or could fill this gap, but in Abigor´s very own stubborn way and with the old-school execution of mentioned masterpieces, our new album was recorded without a single „blastbeat“, without multi-guitar madness or downtuned disharmonic riffing.
String wise, minimalism was the law – only one guitar left, one guitar right, and a bass in the middle. Not one single additional guitar-track to add soli, melodies or double-tracks.
Lyrically, all hokuspokus and theological pondering was avoided. It´s not an album of a seeker, or about one´s initiation, or to lecture, but about the Devil and the Devil only! An impulsive work stripped down to the very basics that maybe could have been released in the 1990s.
This technical restriction as well as a focus on the the evil force that sparked Black Metal ablaze at the beginning of the 90s also torched our work again.
Silenius is soon starting to record the vocals, and you can expect the new Abigor LP and CD after the summer makes way for the autumn´s gloom.