Nocte Obducta keert terug en kondigt nieuw album aan
De Duitse blackmetalband Nocte Obducta stuurt het bericht de wereld in dat de band weer onder de levenden is en kondigt meteen de release van het negende album aan. De nieuwe plaat, Verderbnis (Der Schnitter kratzt an jeder Tür), verschijnt in november van dit jaar via MDD Records. De zwanenzang van de band kwam er in 2008 met Sequenzen einer Wanderung, twee jaar nadat de band de plug eruit had getrokken.
De band stelt: “At the end of December last year, when we were spewing out the vocals in a sixsome and keyboardist Flange served Ouzo before 10 a.m. and the scent of anise was lingering in the air, one could feel so much of the old energy that it was obvious that this project couldn’t just end with Verderbnis – we had more than enough material and of course new material was coming into existence continuously.
After disentangling oneselves with Sequenzen einer Wanderung and after the following years in which one got lost in countless projects, one could finally sense a nonchalance which had long been lacking, although it might be comparable to the early days of (Nocte Obducta’s follow-up band) Dinner Auf Uranos. This time, however, also the frustration was gone.
And thus it appeared natural to throw all the resentment overboard, unwrap the middle finger again and decide to continue under the old name, with the original concept of “let’s see what happens.” A core cast, reinforced by alternating members of all of the band’s creative periods, and as idiosyncratic and unpredictable as ‘back then’.”