Nieuw album Iron Maiden wordt niet gemasterd

Nieuw album Iron Maiden wordt niet gemasterd

Producer Kevin Shirley maakte vandaag bekend dat het nieuwe Iron
album niet zal worden gemasterd. Het is uiteraard bassist Steve
Harris die dit heeft beslist. Commentaar van Shirley:

“It means that you will get to hear the new album exactly as it sounded in
the studio, no added EQ, compression, analog widening, etc., and I must say, I
am pretty happy with the end result. I think some tracks could use a smidge more
top end, and others a bump of bottom – but I know ‘Arry (Steve Harris, CU)well
enough now to know how wary of outsiders he is, and I fully expected he may have
done that, so I made sure I was happy with the results when I printed the mixes
in the studio.”
