Detonation naar de studio (update)

Detonation naar de studio (update)

Het eerste Detatonation nummer staat online. There is no Turning Back heet het, en het staat om het album Reprisal dat ons weldra tegemoet zal komen.


De Nederlandse band Detonation trekt naar de studio. Zanger Koen Romeijn heeft dit te zeggen:

This weekend, Michiel (a.k.a. “Plicht”) will kick off the pre-production of our 4th studio album. He’s got the weekend scheduled to record all the drum tracks for 9 new, brutal songs. In the producers’ chair we have our good friend Harry van Breda (I-Chaos).

After this, Michiel will start touring across the world with God Dethroned until mid November. So in the meantime, we will work on the recordings, and get this thing rolling again. Can’t wait to get into that whole recording process again, it’s been almost 3 years since we recorded “Emission Phase”, so it’s about time goddamnit!

So what can I tell you about the new stuff? Well, first of all it’s fucking brutal! You could say that we changed our sound into something new. It still has Detonation written all over it, but this stuff is way more intense, faster, more metal and just better sounding than before. Michiel’s drums are sick, Mike’s riffs even sicker, and my vocals the sickest I have ever produced haha!

Some of the songtitles are “Feeding On The Madness”, “Ruptured”, “Insults To My Heritage” and “The Thirst To Slaughter”. Stay tuned for more news!

