Détente houdt het voor bekeken
De thrashveteranen van Détente hebben laten weten dat ze ermee ophouden. Ondanks dat van de heruitgave van Recognize No Authority alle 3000 exemplaren verkocht werden, geeft de band er de brui aan.
De band zette volgende mededeling online: “The band has put much work into the reunion and believes that while it has been hard work that it has been a positive experience; having the opportunity to see so many of our friends on our last European tour was especially cool! The fact is, like everyone else, the band has daily responsibilities and the logistics of keeping DÉTENTE moving is no longer possible. While it is conceivable that we could get together for a festival in the future we believe it is time to call it a day.”
“Thanks to everyone who has helped along the way, we value your effort and friendships.”