Nieuwe Exumer demotrack na bijna 23 jaar

Nieuwe Exumer demotrack na bijna 23 jaar

Exumer heeft een nieuwe demotrack van de
komende demo EP opgeladen naar de MySpace.
Waking The Fire is daarmee het eerste nieuwe nummer na bijna 23 jaar. Het werd opgenomen in Hawaii en Duitsland.

V. Stein vertelt:

I tracked the vocals for “Waking the Fire”, in Hawaii with Paul (guitars/vocals), last year and the entire band tracked the rest of the music in Germany during our “5 Nights of Fire” tour. This should give people an idea of how committed we are to the project and the logistical challenges involved with keeping the band going. Nevertheless, we find the results nothing short of amazing and the songs aggression and energy speaks for it self. At this point, we have written over half of the new album and I think we should be able to record the whole CD early next year. Right now, we will start looking for a recording or label deal and there are also concrete plans for a European tour next April/May, as well as festival appearances in summer 2010″.

