Danny Cavanagh solo optredens

Danny Cavanagh solo optredens

Net als vorig jaar zal Danny Cavanagh ons tijdens
de kerstdagen weer verwarmen met een drietal solo optredens. Danny had
er het volgende over te zeggen:

Hello everyone. its danny cavanagh from anathema here.
i just wanted te let people know i am playing acoustic/piano solo gigs in holland and belgium during christmas week. if you can pass this information on to anyone else i would really appreciate it.

Cheers and happy new year to all!
Danny Cavanagh.

De optredens:

26 Dec. Eindhoven (NL) – thunder roadhouse – gratis toegang, 20:00
27 Dec. Aalst (B ) – negasonic club – toegang 5 euro, 20:00
28 Dec. Apeldoorn (NL) – ozzy hardrock cafe – gratis toegang, 19:00