Turisas gitarist slachtoffer van steekpartij

Turisas gitarist slachtoffer van steekpartij

Georg Laakso, gitarist bij de debuterende Finse viking-metal band
Turisas, is afgelopen weekend verschillende keren in z’n rug gestoken
in Hämeenlinna.

Op de website van de band valt het volgende te lezen:

The incident took place outside a fast-food restaurant in the centre of
Hämeenlinna where Georg, Mathias plus a few friends stopped for
something to eat. Georg got into a fight with a guy in front of the
restaurant, and was stabbed in the back in a very gross and despicable
manner by a third outside person while fighting the other guy. At that
point no-one, including Georg himself, noticed that any stabbing had taken
place. It wasn’t before half an hour later, when Georg had gone down to
the police station to clear things out, he started to feel his t-shirt
getting sticky and noticed the wounds in his back. He was immediately
transported to the hospital where he was given medical treatment and was
kept under observation until today afternoon. Luckily, none of the six
stab wounds did any injury to internal organs even if the deepest one
was 10 cm deep.

Het debutalbum van Turisas, getiteld Battle Metal zal op 26 juli
in de schappen liggen via Century Media Records en wordt door de
pers uitstekend ontvangen. Zoals het er nu naar uitziet hoeft de band
geen live shows te annuleren, maar het is nog niet zeker of Georg hun
komende gig op Tuska Open Air kan spelen.

Meer informatie: http://www.turisas.com/