Torture Division demo te downloaden gezet
Torture Division, de Zweedse
death metal band met
Lord K Philipson (The Project Hate MCMXCIX),
Tobben Gustafsson (Vomitory), beiden ex-God Among Insects), en
Jörgen Sandström (ex-Grave zanger/bassist), hebben hun deze online te downloaden gezet.
So yeah – we lied to you. We already recorded the demo at hand and wanted to surprise you bastards. You didn’t see this coming, now did you? You can now officially obey us. “Evighetens Dårar” is available at Congratulations, you just got another piece of the world’s best death metal. For free. We can’t thank Dan Swanö enough for the incredible work he’s done for us again, not to mention the fantastic material we’ve composed all by ourselves. Dan has once again turned our shitty files into something extremely massive and if we could (being heterosexuals is a problem) we’d marry the fucken guy. Thank you, Dan, thank you so fucken much. Now on to the rest, bitches.
De fucken muziek vind je via deze fucken link.
