Theatre Of Tragedy stopt

Theatre Of Tragedy stopt

Theatre Of Tragedy zegt binnenkort dag met het handje. De band die begon als doom/death band en evolueerde naar iets anders houdt er definitief mee op. Op 2 oktober, precies 17 jaar na oprichting, zal het gedaan zijn.

This has not been an easy decision to make and we have thought about this for a long long time. We finally agreed to this during the production of our latest album, ‘Forever Is The World’.

Over the years all of us have strived to combine the THEATRE with everyday life but in the end it has proven more and more difficult. We have come to appreciate our family lives and jobs, which makes it very hard to continue this life of rock ‘n’ roll on the road.


Op 4 maart verschijnt via AFM Records nog de EP Addenda. Hierboven zie je de cover.
