Spawn Of Possession drummer stopt

Spawn Of Possession drummer stopt

Spawn Of Possession drummer Dennis Röndum heeft bekend gemaakt dat hij gaat stoppen met de band. Röndum heeft dat in een bericht op de website aangekondigd.

“After 10 years in Spawn of Possession I have decided to move on and attempt other challenges in life. My reasons for leaving the band are various but the one most notable is my lack of interest in drumming as of late where I feel I don’t have the dedication to be an extreme metal drummer anymore. My interest in music is still there but my drive to play blast beats is lost. I wish to send out a big thanx to all the fans and other bands I’ve had the pleasure to encounter on the road while touring with Spawn of Possession. You all made it worth while.”

“I sincerely wish the guys in Spawn of Possession the best of luck in the future and I look forward to new sick tunes from the band.”

Over & Out
