Nieuws van The Wounded

Het Nederlandse The Wounded heeft veel nieuw materiaal voor zijn fans klaarstaan, dat staat te lezen op hun Facebookpagina. We noteren volgende melding:

Update upcoming releases and album title!
We are making great progress recording the new songs and are roughly halfway there. The only problem we have is that every song we recorded is to good to stay out of release. And therefore we’ve decided to release both a mini album and a full length album. This mini album named ‘White Spider’ will be released prior to the album which is named ‘Redemption’. The songs on the mini album will be a bit between the older en more recent material we released during our existence.
For the album we’ve recorded nine songs. Some songtitles are ‘The Light we Fear’, ‘The Maid’ and ‘House of Crows’. We are very proud of these new songs and the recording so far.
The mixing process starts at the end of the summer. So we hope to have the EP released later this year. Followed up by the new album later on.
We added a little pre-mix demo-recording teaser of the ’White Spider’ EP for you. We hope you like it!

De teaser waarvan sprake is kun je via de link beluisteren.
