King Diamond: de terugkeer van de koning

De koning is terug, lang leve de koning! Na twaalf jaar wachten, mogen we ons met The Institute opmaken voor een nieuw studioalbum van King Diamond. Een eerste single van de aanstaande plaat kan nu reeds beluisterd worden. Ontdek hieronder Masquerade of Madness:

Zijne Majesteit aan het woord:

“Masquerade of Madness is one of the first King Diamond studio songs in a long time. It will be featured on a future two album horror concept story, of which the first part is titled The Institute. The style is very classic King Diamond with lots of dynamics and limited amounts of compression to achieve very natural sounding vocals and instruments throughout the song. You’ll find some complex orchestrations, including the typical choir works you’re used to hearing from King Diamond, and a special thought process bringing vocals back to the forefront: all vocals are lead vocals. […]”

