Impaled Nazarene niet welkom op Ieper Hardcore Fest

Extreme muziek ligt tegenwoordig meer en meer onder vuur. Er gaat geen week voorbij of er is wel nieuws over geannuleerde optredens of verboden platen van metalbands. Het nieuwste slachtoffer: Impaled Nazarene. De klachten: Impaled Nazarene is homofoob, racistisch, islamofoob en seksistisch. Bezoekers van Ieper Hardcore Fest wensen hun oren niet bloot te stellen aan de Finse black metalband en hebben op moderne wijze gereageerd: met dreigementen.

Of, zoals de organisatie van Ieper Hardcore Fest schrijft:

‘Dear music lover,

After a firm debate – that’s what you do in a democracy – the organization decided to cancel Finnish band Impaled Nazarene (in mutual consent). Otherwise we can no longer guarantee everyone’s safety at our beloved festival.

For 25 years Ieperfest stands for the values the festival always stood for. Nothing has changed! Also, in this matter or in any matter, the organisation was, is and will be always open for discussion. Instead we are confronted with ‘internet hero’ calls for hate and violence. Everything we do not stand for!

Ieperfest consists entirely out of volunteers. People with boundless love for music, but also full-time jobs, families and children. Threatening the personal integrity of our volunteers and visitors in today’s context of attacks and raging violence… some of you should think twice!

Team Ieperfest’
