Gorgoroth rechtzaak begonnen

Gorgoroth rechtzaak begonnen

In Oslo is gisteren de rechtzaak begonnen tussen Infernus aan de ene kant en Gaahl en King Ov Hell aan de andere kant. De rechter zal binnenkort beslissen wie in de toekomst verder mag gaan onder deze bandnaam. Wordt het oprichter Infernus? Of toch Gaahl en King die de band naar eigen zeggen al jaren in leven houden? In februari zal het vonnis ons van de vragen verhelpen.


Infernus (Roger Tiegs) vertelde het volgende:

“I do not consider it as a war. It was basically King ov Hell who went behind my back and, in September 2007, secretly applied for a trademark ownership of the band name and logo at the Norwegian Industrial Property Office. Thereafter they have been commercially exploiting the name for whatever it was worth. Now I am suing him, and the vocalist as well. Whatever reasons they might have had to do what they did is to me of complete irrelevance. If they were not happy working together with me, they could have gone and started their own band, easy as that… I don’t care what they have to say. They for sure have had their time in the media lately. And they will be having a chance to repeat that in court this week.”
