Gitarist Within Temptation zet stap terug

Gitarist Within Temptation zet stap terug

Robert Westerholt, gitarist bij het Nederlandse Within Temptation, heeft besloten niet langer deel te nemen aan het livegebeuren van de band. De gitarist zal echter wel nog meewerken aan de productie van materiaal en de songwriting. Op het podium wordt hij voortaan vervangen door Stefan Helleblad die al jaren de sound engineer is voor de band en zelfs stukken inspeelde voor de recente plaat The Unforgiving.

Robert en Sharon: “As you know in recent years we were blessed with the birth of three children. Since then not only our kids but also Within Temptation has been growing fast and we are touring in more countries than ever before. To be able to fulfill the needs of our children but just as much the needs of the band for now and also in the future, we decided Robert will step down from touring live, (except for the occasional show). With this change we can give stability to our children and from the home studio Robert will have more time writing new music and developing new creative ideas for the live show, the comic and future movies.”

“What makes the decision easier is the fact that Stefan Helleblad is willing to take Robert’s place in the band on stage. Stefan has been working with the band behind the scenes for some years. As a sound engineer he was involved in the production of our latest three records. Next to being a great sound engineer, mixing engineer and producer he is also a very gifted guitar player. On our latest album The Unforgiving you can already hear him play some special guitar parts. His first show will be on the 21st in Heerhugowaard.”
