Dark Funeral maakt nieuwe zanger bekend

Dark Funeral maakt nieuwe zanger bekend

De Zweedse blackmetalband Dark Funeral heeft vocalist Nachtgarm (Negator) in dienst genomen.

Het statement van gitarist Lord Ahriman: “I think I can speak for everyone in the band and say that besides completely knocking us down with the strength of his vocals and wide register, what truly blew us away was his presence, energy and the amazing spirit he showed during the final audition. He just came into the rehearsal room, found and took his rightful spot. And then just set the whole place on hellfire! It’s really hard to explain ‘that’ certain feeling one is looking for, but once you get it, you just know that you’ve found the right man for the job. And that is something we all got ‘deluxe.’ No doubt about that! Mankind has no idea what is coming upon them. And I can’t wait to bring this maniac on tour for the world to experience DARK FUNERAL in the most intense and hellish way ever!”

