Cold Meat Industry-verhaal wordt beëindigd

Cold Meat Industry-verhaal wordt beëindigd

Roger Karmanik, bezieler van het één van de meest tot de verbeelding sprekende dark ambient, neofolk, noise en industrial label uit Zweden, laat weten dat zijn label er mee ophoudt. Sinds 1987 verschenen aldaar releases van onder andere Arcana, Brighter Death Now, MZ.412, In Slaughter Natives en Raison d’être.

Dit is de officiële boodschap van Roger:

Hey all! Cold Meat Industry is Dead! I thought you ought to know this…, and I should have told you long before…. But briefly: – it has been hard to admit it… and to let it go! I am confident of my decision. I had a lots of fun during the years of creating CMI and I’ve learned it made a massive impact on the music scene. Being in the middle of this creative storm I got personally drained, it emptied my body of strength, and happiness. It caused me deep depression, alcoholism, and misery. I, who thought I was invincible… It was hard to admit to me, and also to all people around me. Now, I am finding the way back to my innerself, and exploring life again – and music! I am proud of what I have done, but will not rest with that! Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, the Familygrave is sealed!

Er komt nog 1 album uit, waarin metalbands nummers van enkele grootheden uit de CMI-stal zullen coveren:

  1. ANTEDILUVIAN – Raison D’etre
  2. GRAVE UPHEAVAL – Brighter Death Now
  5. VASSAFOR – MZ 412

Hier hoor je alvast de Brighter Death Now-cover van Grave Upheaval.