Vuur & Zijde – Boezem

The band name Vuur & Zijde gives away that the band’s roots lie in the Netherlands. This is a new band, having only appeared on a split with the German band Impavida four years ago, featuring members who have a fair amount of experience in the genre. Two of the three members of Laster, a band from the Dutch city of Utrecht, can be found in the line-up, and Richard from Terzij de Horde has taken on drum duties. Intriguing to say the least.

Vuur &  Zijde has grown to be a beast of its own. Anyone familiar with the split from a couple of years ago is probably expecting something completely different from this debut record Boezem. Post-black, highly atmospheric and dissonant, drawn-out music. The clean and quite warm singing lines turn the album into an oxymoron. Hints of Amesoeurs are definitely present in the guitar layers, the plucking of the strings, the vocal approach and the apparent inclination towards approachable metal. Still, it generally feels very different with long atmospheric waves which feel dark and dreamy, and which require your time.

Personally I am having a hard time getting on the same wavelength of this music because the vocals are so unique. Nevertheless, each track is challenging in its own way. First track Onbemind is a fairly approachable opener. The vocals sound pretty enchanting, and the drums are reminiscent of the split from 2020. Zusterzon immediately slows things down and is more drawn-out but starts to have a nice buildup halfway through. Ús is a track that sounds slow and ethereal as well, which is contrasted by next track Omheind, which is more catchy and seemingly approachable. The transition to slower tracks is present until Nest adds fuel to the slow burn. The album never really becomes hard or extreme, on the one hand because the vocals remain pleasant and sweet, and on the other hand because of the synth waves which continue to have a dreamy quality. In my opinion the music and vocals are at their most cohesive in the second part of II, when the whole thing gets underscored by a beat.

This is without a doubt Prophecy Productions stuff. Vuur & Zijde is a band that demands some investment, because you surely can’t call them an accessible band, even if you could get that feeling initially. They have become a band that walks among different genres with on the one hand repetitive, atmospheric post-black metal with rich basslines and catchy edges, and on the other hand enchanting cult metal with a warm and pleasant core containing menacing undertones. If the shoe fits, wear it. It happens to fit me, even if it pinches a little.




Prophecy Productions, 2024


  1. Onbemind
  2. Zusterzon
  3. Ús
  4. Omheind
  5. Kuier
  6. II
  7. Nest
  8. Adem
  9. Naakt


  • R. – Drums, synth
  • N. – Guitars, synth
  • F. – Vocals
  • S. – Bass guitar
  • Carmen Raats – Guitars
