Grand Magus genoodzaakt Europese tour te cancelen
Het Zweedse Grand Magus heeft zijn Europese tour met Grave Digger moeten cancelen. De drummer van de band heeft te kampen met een trombose, ook wel bloedklonter, in de aderen van zijn benen.
The immediate effect of this is that he can’t play at all because of the pain and swelling. However, this is a serious condition that must be treated immediately to avoid that the clots travels to the lungs. He’s in hospital at the moment and will initially be treated. For the duration of the treatment he’ll have to be checked daily at the hospital. Anti-coagulation medicine also has dangerous side effects, most obvious that bleeding or blows to the body must be avoided at all costs, since the blood won’t stop flowing. In the case of internal bleeding it could be lethal.”
“GRAND MAGUS wish to extend their deepest apologies to all who were looking forward to bang their heads to MAGUS during this European tour, and also to GRAVE DIGGER. This is a terrible situation, but really a case of Force Majeure and not something that can be solved in any other way due to the circumstances.”