YOB kapt ermee

YOB kapt ermee

Slecht nieuws voor de liefhebbers van de Amerikaanse doommetalband YOB, de
band heeft het bijltje er namelijk bij neergegooid, lees de uitleg van Mike

This is Mike from YOB. I regret to say that YOB is disbanding after almost 10
years of existence. The time we spent with YOB exceeded our wildest expectations
and hopes and it has truly been a dream come true. Travis Foster and Isamu Sato
left the band in July, and I have been trying to decide what to do for the last
six months. YOB has had 3 other line-ups, but this one was the best. At the end
of the day the best thing for YOB is to call it a day. I want to thank everyone
who has been supportive to YOB over the years….labels, bands, fans, the venues,
our families….without you none of this would have been possible. I will be
working on a new band called AGE that will very much be in the vein of YOB, with
some new twists. Until then, be well and stay HEAVY! ENDLESS DOOM!!! Mike/YOB
