Wolverine tekent bij Candlelight

Wolverine tekent bij Candlelight

De Zweedse progressieve metalband Wolverine heeft een platendeal met Candlelight Records getekend. Dit label zal de nieuwe CD Still uit gaan brengen. Het volgende nieuwsbericht is op de site van de band te lezen:

We can at last announce that Wolverine has signed with Candlelight Records. We’ve been in touch with various labels and as it turned out Candlelight came up with the best offer by far.

The past 6 months have been really hard for the band and with the split from Earache topping it all off it’s extremely nice to have found a new “home”.

There is no releasedate set for Still yet but we’ll announce it really soon. It’s about time the album sees the light of day because we all promise you that some of our best songs are on that album. We definitely want to share them with our fans as soon as humanly possible.


Wolverine Website