Vocalist gevonden voor The Legion, Bassist vertrekt

Vocalist gevonden voor The Legion, bassist vertrekt

De Zweedse band ‘The Legion’ heeft eindelijk een nieuwe vocalist aangetrokken.
Het gaat hier om Kjetil Hektoen, die tevens werkzaam is bij de bands Crest of Darkness en Enthral.

Helaas moet de band nu wel weer op zoek naar een nieuwe bassist, die de band vanwege zijn studie heeft verlaten.
Zo staat op de site vermeld:

After a long search we have finally found a new vocalist for the LEGION. He’s name is Kjetil Hektoen and he’s also known for his participation in Crest of Darkness and Enthral. We have already started to work on material for a third album together with Kjetil and we believe that his contribution to the band will increase the quality in our music on many levels. A big thanks goes out to all the people that has auditioned for us or sent us vocal material.

Secondly, we want to announce the departure of our bassist Lars Martinsson. Lars has decided to leave the band to continue with his studies. We wish him the best of luck and thank him for all the years of dedication to the band. Kristoffer Andersson from Sargatanas Reign will be filling in for Lars as a session member.

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Website The Legion