Týr gaat de studio in

Týr gaat de studio in

Het vikingmetal gezelschap Týr gaat in december de Jacob Hansens Studio in voor de opnames van het vierde studio album. Naar verwachting zal de plaat april-mei 2008 via Napalm Records verschijnen.

“Týr’s preceeding two albums, Ragnarok and Eric The Red, have been recorded at Jacob Hansens Studio. It is situated a mere 10 minutes drive from Ribe on the Jutland peninsula in Denmark. Ribe is one of the oldes known large and organized viking settlements in Scandinavia, so it’s only very fitting that Týr record their albums there.

The co-operation between Týr and Jacob Hansen have been most appreciated by all parts involved so the decision for Týr to continue recording at Jacob Hansens Studio was not a hard one.” Aldus de band.
