SYL werkt aan nieuw materiaal

SYL werkt aan nieuw materiaal

Strapping Young Lad is momenteel aan het werk om nummers te schrijven voor de opvolger van Alien. Drumbeest Gene Hoglan meldt er het volgende over :

We have just commenced writing for the follow-up to “Alien”. We’re only a week in, and we’re already up to 4 wicked new tunes! I’m really psyched with the new stuff, hell, we all are. And Jed’s not even here yet! As everyone knows, STRAPPING is sort of an evolution in progress, and this album will be no different. Anyone looking for an “Alien-Pt.II”, or a “City-pt.II”, or hell, even a “Chicken Feather-Pt.II”, knows that’s not how we work. Fresh new STRAPPING sounds for a fresh new chapter. And, what an exciting chapter this is looking to be. Because, one of the other reasons 2006 is gonna be so rippin’ is that, come July, upon the new one’s release, STRAPPING has some CRAZY touring plans, which we’ll go into later. But, suffice it to say, this will be our most prodigious year, indeed. I’ll tell ya all about it next month, no problem…


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