Solo album kiske uitgesteld
Ex-Helloween zanger Michael Kiske heeft laten weten dat zijn nieuwe soloalbum zal worden uitgesteld. Het derde soloalbum
van kiske zal worden uitgesteld naar januari 2003.
“[Michael Kiske] wants to use the time for composing some more songs, whether for this album or already the follow-up is
not clear yet. The decision about the band name is still running but should be finished within the next weeks. Now that
the release will take awhile, [Michael] can intensively think about a perfect name.
As previously reported, Kiske’s forthcoming CD will contain “some cool heavy metal elements but also some poppy songs, but
as always it is a 100% Michael Kiske product,” according to the representative. “Michael hopes that the album brings him a
big step further in his career.”
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