Soilwork oefent met mogelijke nieuwe gitarist

Soilwork oefent met mogelijke nieuwe gitarist

Na het vertrek van gitarist Peter oefent Soilwork momenteel met een nieuwe gitarist. Bjorn “speed” zegt er het volgende over:

Hi there!

We´re rehearsing right now, started off yesterday with a possible replacement for Peter. He´s doing a great job and we´ll see how it goes on the festivals in Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic in march, i´m sure it´ll work out great… Hopefully after those festivals we can announce the new guitarist..

Other than that, merch section is on it´s way (i´m not lying this time hehe..). We´ll take photos this week and post them, there´s gonna be some very limited designs since it´s mostly leftovers from tours, so keep your eyes open..

Last but not least i gotta say that i´m so fucking impressed by the Soilwork tattoo section, holy shit!! There´s 27 pieces in there, i don´t think i´ve ever seen so many logo/symbol tattoos on fans of a band of Soilwork´s size…
The Sledgehammer messiah army is rising!!!
As our webmistress just posted, keep the tats coming, i know there´s more out there… It would be really cool to include all the tattoo pics on the next album or dvd..

Talk to ya soon..


Soilwork Website