Satyricon: grote veranderingen op til

Satyricon: grote veranderingen op til

Sigurd “Satyr” Wongraven, frontman van Satyricon,
sprak recentelijk met een Engels magazine en vertelde dat het aankomende concert van de band op 20 december in Londen een nieuwe fase zal inluiden:

From then on, there are going to be a lot of changes in the Satyricon camp, after we take a long touring break and come back a couple of years later, certain people may not be with us any longer. Although we won’t be doing anything overly dramatic, we’ll be trying quite a few different things, which I think is going to be really good for Satyricon. The reason we’re doing that is so we can continue to develop our sound. At the moment we are still enjoying what we do, but if that continues any longer it’ll undoubtedly stagnate, so we need to ensure that doesn’t happen. And moving in different musical directions is definitely a good way to go about it.

As an artist, there are so many new things I’d like to do, and one of them is to work on some songwriting for Satyricon, though from an entirely different angle. For example, we may chose to go for a similar tone, but use a different set of instruments in the next record. Maybe there are also other recording techniques, which could add a different element to our work and open up fresh musical territory. Our last three releases all follow a certain style and pattern, and we want to create a record that’s radically different from the others. Though the foundation of Satyricon’s sound — my songwriting and Frost’s signature drumming — will always remain unchanged.

