Orphaned Land neemt eerste videoclip op

Orphaned Land neemt eerste videoclip op

Mabool: The Story Of The Three Sons Of Seven is alweer een half jaar oud, maar de Israelische band Orphaned Land heeft met het van dat magistrale album afkomstige Ocean Land haar eerste videoclip opgenomen.

Zanger Kobi Farhi had het volgende te vertellen:

“Hello everyone and Shalom from the Orphaned Land of Israel! Finally after many years we filmed a video clip, to the song Ocean Land from our latest album Mabool, it’s our first video clip ever!

It was a very hard day of working and we were on set for 18 hours. We had two different locations:

  1. In the sea (where we bumped into hundred of Medusa jellyfish! It was very tough and we remained brave, but got wounded)

  2. Underwater shots in a swimming pool – I had to sing for hours under the water, I drank so much pool water, yuck! We also filmed Matti playing a guitar solo under the water.

We were working with a very famous theatre actress named Hila Vidor and she was unbelievable, it was an inspiring adventure to work with her. If you ask me, she is the Queen of the sea! I think that it’s a great video and it’s about time that you will all be able to watch it and judge for yourself very soon.”


Orphaned Land
