Nieuw Alice Cooper album heeft vier verschillende covers.

Nieuw Alice Cooper album heeft vier verschillende covers.

Het nieuwe Alice Cooper album "The Eyes of Alice Cooper" (die op 30 september
uit zal komen) zal te krijgen zijn met vier verschillende front covers. Allevier
zijn ze zwart/wit met de ogen van Alice Cooper, maar de ogen zijn in vier
verschillende kleuren, namelijk blauw, paars, groen en rood. De reactie van
Alice Cooper waarom er vier verschillende versies zijn was alsvolgt:

"Really?? You mean there’s four different ones?? Maybe people will buy all
four of them!"

The story of how "The Eyes of Alice Cooper" came to life is very interesting. "I
wanted to record this album as ‘live’ as possible," says Alice, "with everyone
playing at the same time, and just a few essential overdubs." With producer
Mudrock, the album was made in less than one month. "If you want a garage
band-style rock and roll album, then don’t go into a traditional recording
studio," said Mudrock. "Sometimes attitudes change inside the cozy confines of a
recording studio. There was an empty room right across the lot at Mates that we
turned into a makeshift recording studio causing us not to lose the garage

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