Nieuw Alabama Thunderpussy album in de maak
Ook Alabam Thunderpussy is druk doende met een nieuwe album, deze zal
Fulton Hill gaan heten en in de lente van 2004 uitgebracht gaan worden via
Relapse Records. Enkele titels:
- Last of all Last Calls
- Blasphemy
- The Revelator
- Lunar Eclipse
- Struggling for Balance
- 3 Stars
- Bearbaiting
- Dry Rot
- Wage Slave
- Alone Again
Gitarist Erik Larson over Fulton Hill:
"Albums are like books in a way. They’re a document of where a band has been,
where it is currently, and gives glimpses into where a band is going. I think
that is what an album should be after all. We want the listener to experience as
much as we did while making a record and be able to share our elation in
bringing it to fruition. Folks will be treated to a healthy blend of classic
ATP and surprises showing this unified band not afraid to take some chances and
new directions".