Mörk Gryning opgeheven

[b]Mörk Gryning opgeheven[/b]

Carnagath meldde ons:

Mörk Gryning is opgeheven. Hieronder de officiele verklaring van bandleider Goth:

[i]Mörk Gryning is no more. Yesterday I called everyone in the band and told them I’m leaving. I know many people will be dissapointed because of this decision I’ve made, but I’m afraid it was something I had to do.

Black or death metal simply doesen’t attract me in the way it used to do. I’ve always loved what we have done but I have lost the spark you so dearly need when you’re in a band like this.[/i]

Er zijn tevens nummers te downloaden die de afgelopen maanden door de band zijn geschreven, maar nooit uitgebracht zullen gaan worden!

Bron: http://www.mork-gryning.com/