Mnemic maakt albumtitel en artwork bekend (update)

Mnemic maakt albumtitel en artwork bekend (update)

De eerste single en tegelijk het meest toegankelijke nummer van het album is I Have Been You geworden. Je kan hem beluisteren op de Facebook-pagina hieronder.

(23 april 2012)

Intussen stelt de band de tracklist van Mnemisis voor. Daarnaast zal de band vanaf volgende maand Europa doortrekken met landgenoten Raunchy. De Benelux staat nog niet op de agenda. Hier de tracklist:


  1. Transcend
  2. Valves
  3. Junkies On The Storm
  4. I’ve Been You
  5. Pattern Platform
  6. Mnemesis
  7. There’s No Tomorrow
  8. Haven At The End Of The World
  9. Ocean Of Void
  10. Blue Desert In A Black Hole
  11. Bonus: Empty Planet

(19 maart 2012)

De Deense band Mnemic heeft de titel van zijn vijfde full-lengthalbum bekend gemaakt. De plaat kreeg de titel Mnemesis mee. De plaat zou in juni moeten uit zijn via Nuclear Blast. De albumhoes werd eveneens vrijgegeven en is het werk van Metastazis (Morbid Angel, The Black Dahlia Murder, Paradise Lost, Ulver).

Gitarist Mircea Gabriel Eftemie: “We can say that the new record is done, completed and our mission is finally accomplished. Since the disruption and chaos within the band last year, and the acquirement of new members, I never thought we would make it this far. Today everything converged and we ascended from the depths of turmoil, catharsis and hard work everyone has put into this new record, which is entitled Mnemesis. Yes, again we chose something no one can pronounce, just like our band ‘mname’.”

“For the ones that are curious about our new opus, I can say it’s more melodic than what we’ve done in the past, but at the same time more energetic and not so technical. We tried to incorporate the traditional Mnemic-esque sound and universe into the compositions, as good as we could. At the same time, we tried to move forward, like everything else in life. All in all it’s more of an atmospheric and melodic record, at least for me. In any case, hope you will enjoy it just as much as I do, and if not, no biggie, we are grateful that you at least took the time to read these lines. See you somewhere out there, we’re coming for you cunts – and that’s a promise!”

