Maniac, Andrew Liles en Czral deden iets wanneer we in België zaten

Maniac, Andrew Liles en Czral deden iets wanneer we in België zaten

Inderdaad. Maniac, Andrew Liles en Czral nemen eindelijk hun plaat samen op die al van 1996 in de steigers staat. Det Skjedde Noe Når Du Var I Belgia heet de plaat (Something Happened While You Were In Belgium).

Maniac (ex-Mayhem): It wasn’t something we expected to do at all. Czral and I had recorded the original material all those years ago but other commitments had meant that we were never able to get round to finishing it off and releasing it, and I’d brought it with me to the U.K. for my manager to listen to just out of interest, but it was a DAT tape and she didn’t have the right equipment for it. I was also visiting Andrew Liles who was mastering the new SKITLIV album, and preparing to master the new SEHNSUCHT album, so we converted the tape in his studio. Andrew’s enthusiasm for what he heard got the better of him, and we started working on it straight away. By the end of the day we’d knocked it into shape, expanded it, and were ready to go with it, and Dirter immediately expressed an interest. It all happened very fast and the album was on the way to the printing plant within days, so we had to come up with a name for the band, and the only one we could think of was MANIAC/LILES/CZRAL. Perhaps not the most original name, but that’s who we are after all. As to what kind of music it is, well, I think ‘quirky’ and ‘eclectic’ just about sums it up.
