Impaled Nazarene gaat de studio in met nieuwe gitarist

[b]Impaled Nazarene gaat de studio in met nieuwe gitarist[/b]

Varkentaart melde on in de newssubmit:

Impaled Nazarene will enter studio to record their follow-up to the highly acclaimed Absence Of War Does Not Mean Peace album on July 1st.

ALL THAT YOU FEAR will be Impaled Nazarene´s 8th studio album and will be recorded by Anssi Kippo (C.O.B.) at Astia Studio and will be mixed by Mikko Karmila (Nightwish, Stratovarius) at Finnvox studios.

ALL THAT YOU FEAR will feature the bands new lead guitarist TUOMO LOUHIO (x-Antidote).

The band is busy writing the last few songs for the album at the moment. Some song titles are: Suffer In Silence, All That You Fear, Kohta Ei Naura Enää Jeesuskaan & Urgent Need To Kill.

Says vocalist Luttinen: “I can´t wait to record this new stuff, we have really killer songs ready and more are coming. More variety, more power, more everything.”

Of the new lead guitarist Tuomo, Luttinen says: ”Well, this guy just kills. We had only one rehearsal with him and he got the job right away. That should tell you enough.“

ALL THAT YOU FEAR will be out on Osmose Productions late October 2003.

Impaled Nazarene press statement 16th of April 2003.
(from news)