Helmkamp: nieuwe Angelcorpse CD ‘most extreme’
Ach, de telefoon. Hallo, wie is daar?
Helmkamp here. Everything is going great for the Of Lucifer and Lightning
recording. John Longstreth has created some hammering drums for us to work with, and Gene
and I are hard at work tracking guitars, bass and vocals for the album.
Oke dan, en hoe gaat het nieuwe album klinken?
We promise that Of Lucifer and Lightning will be the most extreme Angelcorpse
album to date.
Dat zeggen ze allemaal.
Of course this sounds cliché and what every band might say after ‘re-forming’ after
several years, but we say fuck off to all of that: Angelcorpse has never been like those
other bands and this album will certainly show that to be true. Beware: Antichrist
Vanguards advance!
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