Goatwhore in de studio

Goatwhore in de studio

Goatwhore, de band met zanger Ben Falgoust II (Soilent Green) en gitarist
Sammy Duet (Acid Bath, Crowbar), is begonnen aan het songwritingsproces.


“We are well into it. I won’t go in the whole, ‘This one is gonna be the heaviest one yet, blah blah blah,’ but it’s gonna be pretty damn heavy. I am really happy with what we have written so far.”

Verder gaat het:

“If all goes to plan, we will enter Mana Studios [in St. Petersburg, Florida] in early Febuary. Hopefully we will do some shows before then. Other than that, just sitting on my ass being bored. I miss being on tour, but I guess you have to take what you can get.”
