Frontman Cruachan aangevallen in Dublin

Frontman Cruachan aangevallen in Dublin

Keith Fay, frontman van de Ierse folkmetalband Cruachan, werd vorige week na een avondje stappen in Dublin in elkaar geslagen door een bende. Fay werd gewond in het gelaat, brak enkele ribben en liep verschillende blutsen en builen op.

“While leaving a nightclub with my brother, sister and a friend. A gang of about 15 men in their early 20’s began to verbally abuse my sister and my friend. I shouted back at one of them telling him that is my sister and to leave her alone. I was then hit over the head with an iron bar and knocked unconscious.

They all started kicking me while I was on the ground. My sister was thrown to the ground also and had her arm broken. When I came to, they had run off, the whole thing only lasted a minute or two.


This was on Dame Street in Dublin city centre, a very crowded area at that time of night. a lot of bystanders came to help also which scared the scumbags off. I was stabbed in the face, had my ribs broken and bruised all over.”
