Ex-bassist Legion of the Damned pleegde zelfmoord

Ex-bassist Legion of the Damned pleegde zelfmoord

Na het vertrek van gitarist Richard Ebisch enkele weken terug, kreeg Legion of the Damned nog meer triest nieuws te verwerken. Ex-bassist, en vriend van de band, Twan Fleuren beroofde zich van het leven. Fleuren maakte sinds 1998 deel uit van Occult en maakte in 2005 samen met de andere bandleden de transformatie tot Legion of the Damned mee. Hij verliet de band in 2006 wegens familiale redenen.

Twan Fleuren (links)

Zanger Maurice gaf volgende commentaar:“Another very sad day in the Legion camp, Twan has been a great friend and we lost contact for several years because he was in some difficult times, only a few weeks back we were all back in contact again and it felt like these great old times were about to return, even Erik and me joined him on a terrace for a beer or 2 a few weeks ago, he even wanted to join us to With Full Force in July, where I was really looking forward to, he even showed alot of intrest in our new guitarplayer and the departure of Richard Ebisch.

The bad news that came in today struck as a bomb not for me only personally but also for the band Legion of the damned. Ofcourse we wish his family and kids all the strength they need in this process. We will miss you brother and ofcourse all of the upcoming Legion of the damned shows will be dedicated in his name!”
