Elexorien zkt vrouw

Elexorien zkt vrouw

Zangeres Iné heeft de band verlaten en dus is Elexorien opnieuw op zoek naar vrouwelijk talent. De vraag en aanbod-balans ziet er als volgt uit:


We offer the following grand adventures, splendid deeds and epic quests:

– Plenty of shows, in the Netherlands as well as abroad. The South-American conquest we recently undertook was but the beginning of even grander things to come!
– An extremely varied style of music with plenty of room for your personal touch and ideas.
– Recording of our second album, early 2010.
– As one cannot solely fight battles, tons of fun and good times will of course be had.

We expect, require and demand the following:

– Outstanding vocal skills, and knowledge on how to turn a stage into your personal battleground. In short, a stage-beast with one hell of a voice! (Preferably classically trained singers !)

– Experience, as much as possible. On stage as well as experience in working in and with a band.
– A professional attitude.
– 200% dedication! We will not settle for anything less, as Elexorien is a huge part of our lives, and we have no desire to be “just another band”.
– A well-developed sense of humour, in order to survive the long road to our shows.
– Your own means of transport is not required, but it would be greatly appreciated.

Mailen doe je naar info@elexorien.com.
