Dark Funeral kondigt nieuwe bassist aan

Dark Funeral kondigt nieuwe bassist aan

Dark Funeral laat weten dat bassist Zornheym voortaan deel uitmaakt van de band. Lord Ahriman voegde eraan toe:

“Now, that we face our new lineup, I must say that the atmosphere and the chemistry within the band feels absolutely fantastic. Furthermore, every single member of DARK FUNERAL is once again sharing a tremendously strong commitment, an absolute dedication as well as utter professionalism. And I am absolutely sure that what you, our dear fans, soon will be able to witness that this unholy gathering of these five knights in Satan’s service is the most sinful and powerful DARK FUNERAL ever!

We have rehearsed together for a few months already. And it feels like we are already tighter and sound much better than ever before. So once we kick off touring again, we will be like an infernal war machine that will crush everything in its path.”
