Charon gitarist Jasse von Hast weg bij de band

Charon gitarist Jasse von Hast weg bij de band

Bracht het Finse Charon onlangs nog een nieuws album
uit in de vorm van The Dying Daylights, nu is het tijd voor
minder positief nieuws. Gitarist Jasse von Hast gaat de band
namelijk verlaten:

“After long consideration, I have decided to change my
priorities around and end this chapter of my life. The band Charon has
nothing more to give me musically and my interest in playing in the
group has completely disappeared. During the last year, I became
totally bored with all band-related activities and have decided to
focus all my efforts on my day-job. However, I will continue writing
music on my own in the future. Whether or not this stuff ends up
being released later on, only time will tell…”

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