Cannibal Corpse: albumdetails en songs (update)

Cannibal Corpse: albumdetails en songs (update)

Je kan het gloednieuwe nummer Scourge of Iron van Cannibal Corpse via onderstaande link beluisteren. De nieuwe track os afkomstig van het nakende album Torture dat op 13 maart verschijnt via Metal Blade Records.

Alex Webster: “‘Scourge Of Iron’ helps to show the song writing diversity on Torture. [First album single] “Demented Aggression” is blazing fast and frantic, while “Scourge Of Iron” is a down tempo, pounding song. They’re both death metal, but at opposite ends of the speed spectrum. Expect to hear this kind of variety throughout Torture. We’ve utilized many different tempos, rhythms, and feels in these songs with the goal of making an album that is varied and dynamic but also very brutal. On March 13th you’ll get to decide whether or not we succeeded.”


Cannibal Corpse zal op 13 maart zijn twaalfde studioalbum aanbieden via Metal Blade Records. De plaat heeft de titel Torture meegekregen en bevat twaalf nieuwe tracks. De eerste single, Demented Aggression kan je beluisteren via onderstaande YouTubevideo.

Bassist Alex Webster: We’re extremely happy with how Torture turned out. Erik Rutan did an amazing job with the production, and the songwriting and performances may be our strongest yet. We can’t wait until our fans get to hear the whole thing!”

Cannibal Corpse “Demented Aggression” by Metal Blade Records



  1. Demented Aggression
  2. Sarcophagic Frenzy
  3. Scourge Of Iron
  4. Encased In Concrete
  5. As Deep As The Knife Will Go
  6. Intestinal Crank
  7. Followed Home Then Killed
  8. The Strangulation Chair
  9. Caged… Contorted
  10. Crucifier Avenged
  11. Rabid
  12. Torn Through
