Borknagar wisselt van frontman

U leest het goed. Een jaar na het vertrek van gitarist Jens Ryland heeft ook Andreas “Vintersorg” Hedlund beslist om Borknagar te verlaten. Het zou gaan om persoonlijke redenen. Zijn vervanger is geen onbekende voor de band, I.C.S Vortex was in het verleden al te horen als frontman van de Noorse band.

Dit statement liet Heer Vintersorg optekenen:

”Time has come to make some tough decisions and let reality set the rules. It is with both a light and heavy heart I leave Borknagar as the lead vocalist. The light part is that it´s done in an amicable way and that this is the right thing to do for me, in respect for the fans and Borknagar. The heavy part is that it’s hard to leave something this meaningful and beautiful. My situation after the accident makes it hard to tour, and my job situation complicates things further. So in a way I’m not ”leaving” as such, it’s more like I’m putting some oil into the Borknagar machinery so the band can keep their busy schedule, get out on the road and meet you guys. Borknagar will always have a special place in my heart and mind, and I hope that I can do some guest performances further down the road. The guys in the band are fantastic musicians and persons and I wish them the best of luck. However, Cronian is not dead and may shake its head before you know it.”

