Armored Saint naar de studio

Armored Saint naar de studio

De opnames mogen beginnen voor Armoured Saint. Zanger John Bush is alvast razend enthousiast:

About a year and a half or so ago Joey asked me if I’d be interested in writing some songs. I was in the right mind finally, so I said send me something. To be quite honest, I wasn’t thinking in terms of Armored Saint but more like just writing rock music. I felt pretty free with that mentality and the ideas felt very organic. With every passing song things improved and next thing we knew we had about eight songs demoed. Although the idea of sparking something completely new was appealing it became clear that if it was Joey and I the reality was, let’s not kid ourselves; this is Armored Saint.

So here it comes. Embracing my inner R&B singer and coupling that with our influence of the great seventy’s hard rock band’s we grew up on?