Agua De Annique met Devin Townsend

Agua De Annique met Devin Townsend

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Overige sessiemuzikanten op het album zullen drummer Ryan Van Poederooyen en bassist Brian Waddell (beiden van The Devin Townsend Band) zijn.


Op de officiële pagina van Anneke kunnen we lezen dat de band Agua De Annique in Canada met Devin Townsend optrekt voor de creatie van hun nieuwe album. Tevens maakt Devin dan weer dankbaar gebruik van de vocale kwaliteiten van Anneke voor een eigen album (Addicted?).

Here I am in Canada, working with Devin Townsend for our new album and… for his new album (Addicted) as well. A very interesting week indeed.

Though we had the idea of doing something together we had no specific thoughts yet, only the distinct feeling that we would hit it off because of mutual respect for one another and a nice phone conversation 🙂
I came up here with a blank piece of paper and good faith in my suitcase and we were right, we’re doing some great stuff here!
In the daytime we record vocals for Devin’s album. He pretty much knows what needs to be done so I am at his service to provide him with the necessary vocal stuff. In the evenings we jam, write new songs and demo them for my new album. It’s a classic case of win-win don’t you think?
