Ninth album for the Swedish Vomitory, a permanent fixture in the death metal world, especially after it overcame its midlife crisis and decided to keep going after its thirtieth birthday. This is the first album after the crisis, again via Metal Blade Records, with the same line-up: Tobias and Urban as founding fathers, Erik and Peter are no longer newcomers.
Vomitory is – logically – getting older and is clearly adapting. Erik Rundqvist’s vocals are no longer as extreme and deep as they were at the time, but they are a lot more intelligible. There is more focus on thrashing death metal, with catchy double bass drum driven headbanging parts and sticky tremolo riffs. More Sodom, more Bolt Thrower (check out that riff on Ode To The Meat Saw) and more D-beat (Dead Man Stalking) than pure grindcore. Here and there the Bolt Thrower epic takes on an almost hymn-like feel, which will certainly appeal to Unleashed, Bloodbath and fans of melo-blackdeath bands like Necrophobic. It results in a number of memorable songs, such as the aforementioned Ode To The Meat Saw, Raped, Strangled, Sodomized, Dead, Piece By Stinking Piece, All Heads Are Gonna Roll and the very well constructed Beg For Death (the closing track on this album).). Humor and horror go hand in hand here more than once, as long as you are a fan of rotten humor of course.
This Swedish band is aging exceptionally well, something we were also able to experience live at various festivals this summer. Two to three songs from this new one will definitely end up on Vomitory‘s set list, also in the coming years, reason enough to get this one. Definitely a band that deserves it’s place in the V category, together with Vader and Vital Remains. The years of Forty Seconds Bloodbath will not return, but Vomitory still has a great right to exist. Now Beg For Death!
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